
Coastlines As Refuse Dumps: A call for reorientation and regular coastline sanitation across all coastline communities

By: Dr. Inenyo Esinte

For all or most coastal communities in Nigeria, the water bodies such as Lakes, Rivers and Ocean surrounding coastal communities provides the major source of livelihood such as aquaculture or fishing.

Thus, if the major water bodies such as Lakes, Rivers and Ocean where coastal communities obtain and savour their major source of livelihood are densely and heavily polluted in varying proportions in a scenario where coastal communities turn their shores, coastlines or shorelines, Rivers, Lakes and Ocean bordering and surrounding them into hydrological dump sites with no control, regard and respect for natural water bodies at their disposal amounts to or can be likened to an insane or mentally deranged persons eating from the garbage or refuse dump sites and similarly, as cases of lower animals eating and savoring their own excreta, because the Fishes and other aquatic animals feeds on garbage disposed by man into natural water bodies and on shorelines, thus the Environment gives back to man whatever man gives to it, it is a game of garbage in, garbage out.

The access or route to most coastal communities in Nigeria is through water transportation, where community natives and visitors alike ought to be welcomed by clean, sanitary, sightly appealing and tourist like coastlines or shorelines bordering coastal communities and natural water bodies but are rather sadly, unsightly and unpleasantly welcomed to some coastal communities by unsanitary and highly polluted coastlines or shorelines with heaps of both biodegradable and non biodegradable waste or refuse at the shores or coastlines of most coastal communities, this is indeed unhealthy for man and his environment, greatly distasteful and portrays most coastal communities in very unsanitary manner especially to visitors.

Across several communities, coastlines ought to serve as sites for tourist attractions, recreation and relaxation but are poorly harnessed for recreative purposes and rather turned into garbage dump sites.

The important health roles shorelines and major natural water bodies plays is multifaceted, the Fishes and other aquatic animals survives from polluted water bodies and also feeds on shoreline Debris disposed by man, these Fishes and aquatic animals are consumed by man which also indirectly consumes various toxic and non toxic pollutants savoured by aquatic lives from the Debris disposed into water bodies and coastlines by man.This also portends danger and constitutes grave consequences for human health.

The shorelines for most coastal communities can be likened to the gateway, door or entrance to several coastal communities, it will be unhealthy, unhygienic and insane for anyone or community to gather heaps or piles of refuse at the gateway or entrance to a community to welcome natives and visitors into a community.

From the above vividly stated facts, the need, importance, benefits and advantages of good shoreline or coastline sanitation by all coastal communities is of utmost importance and cannot be overstressed or overstated.

From the concept of “ONE HEALTH” man is a custodian, protector, and keeper of the Environment and the Environment also reciprocally does the same for man.

Nature is the greatest Equalizer, no human or group of people, no matter how highly technologically inclined and advanced in history has successfully cheated nature or the Environment, and in the battle and competition by man to subdue, dominate and exercise unhealthy, unfriendly and unproductive control over the Environment, nature and the Environment will always win.

This is a call for all coastal communities to inculcate and imbibe the culture and habit of shoreline or coastline sanitation and protect the natural water bodies in their domains.

Furthermore, this is also an advocacy for all coastal community leadership, youth and women groups to champion the drive to keep their coastal shorelines clean and entrench the culture of regular coastline sanitation across all coastal communities.

In conclusion, let us all promote, protect, practice and respect the concept of ONE HEALTH for healthy living.

Thank You.

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