
The dangers of using male sexual enhancement drugs

One of the most common health issues men suffer today is erectile dysfunction. To find a remedy, most men are now heavily relying on sex enhancement drugs to satisfy their partners.

Though the drugs come in different dozes and brands, medical experts have warned that it is dangerous to men’s health, given that the drugs have killed many men, old and young.

A medical practitioner with the Federal Medical Center Yenagoa, Dr. Inenyo Esinte, posits that these prescription drugs increase the levels of nitric oxide in the blood.

In an exclusive interview with, Dr. Esinte said that nitric oxide is a vasodilator, which makes the blood vessels widen to help increase the flow of blood.  

This article, therefore, provides some early side effects in using male sexual enhancement drugs to cure erectile dysfunction, as well as how they can be properly administered, if and when the need arises.

The intake of these sexual enhancement drugs can lead to an increased nitric oxide in the blood and make you dizzy. According to Dr. Esinte, the dizziness caused by these drugs is generally mild.

Dizziness can cause discomfort during daily activities. In few cases, dizziness from erectile dysfunction treatments has led to fainting, which can culminate in a serious health issue.

However, it is important to inform your doctor if you experience dizziness while taking sexual enhancement drugs.

Most people experience body pains while taking sexual enhancement drugs, while some have complained of specific pains in their lower back. If you experience these types of pains, then an Over-the-Counter (OTC) medication can help.

That notwithstanding, you should consult your doctor about other possible causes of your pain. This will help the doctor to recommend a safer OTC medication alongside other medications to take.

Headaches seem to be the most side effects connected with male sex enhancement drugs. It comes with a sudden change in blood flow from the increased levels of nitric oxide.

Because this side effect is common with all forms of male sexual enhancement drugs, changing brands may not bring succour to your challenge. Perhaps you experience headaches

The intake of male sexual enhancement drugs can make your digestive system feel so uncomfortable. The side effects are diarrhea and indigestion.

To get relief, you should consider changing your diet to reduce stomach upset. Drinking lots of water rather than juice, alcohol and other caffeinated beverages can greatly help.

Research has shown that male sexual enhancement drugs can change the way you see things. They can temporarily affect your eyesight and even cause blurry vision.

That is why male sexual enhancement drugs cannot be recommended if you have had vision loss or a retinal disorder known as retinitis pigmentosa.

A total loss of vision that does not go away can indicate a more serious problem with your sexual enhancement medication.

It is possible to experience minor side effects while taking male sexual enhancement drugs. Because there are a few side effects that are not common yet dangerous.

Severe side effects of male sexual enhancement drugs can include a sudden change in hearing, as well as priapism, which is an erection that lasts longer than four hours.

At this point, Dr. Inenyo Esinte advises that you see a medical doctor immediately.

However, it is important to note that certain men are more at risk of these side effects than others. This is often caused by the type of medications they take or other medical conditions.

To this end, it is important that when discussing sexual enhancement treatment with your doctor, you should tell them about all the drugs you take and other health conditions you have.

If sexual enhancement drugs are not working for you, your doctor can then suggest other types of treatment like vacuum pumps or surgery.

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