
3 Takeaways From Dangote’s Alleged Relationship Scandal

A lot of commentaries have been made regarding Aliko Dangote’s alleged relationship scandal with two America based women.

Unlike a scandal involving an average individual, this scandal has revealed some of the things wealthy people go through in life.

Even though he is yet to officially confirm or deny the allegations, we have been able to notice some things about the scandal that we think will be beneficial. This is because we don’t just learn from positive occurrences in our lives but also ugly occurrences.

Below are three takeaways from Dangote’s relationship scandal:

1. Apart from profiting from the material wealth of your partner, also seek knowledge from them: Bea Lewis one of Dangote’s alleged lover, unlike many women today, who when dating someone of Dangote’s caliber, will only aspire to benefit materially, outlined some of the things she learned while with him.

According to her, she learned to be more organized, love without strings and give her best without expectations. She was also able to buy two properties, obtained a profitable stock portfolio and equally became a vegan.

She also admitted how she realized that half a million-dollar restaurant project was a bad investment.

2. Ending your relationship with a toxic person may earn you your reputation:
Ending your relationship with a toxic partner should be done with utmost care and circumspection. Because such a person may go to any length to ridicule you before the public.

One of the trending pictures shared by Dangote’s alleged lover, exposing a part of his buttocks, clearly buttresses this point.

3. Take time to study the behavioural pattern of your would-be partner: It is not enough to venture into a relationship with someone because of good looks. Like the popular adage says, “looks can be deceiving,” hence you have to properly study his/her behaviour.

Some people experience periodical mood swings, others might have one form of mental health issue, such as bipolar disorder. So to avoid strain on your relationship and distortion of your mental well-being, it is imperative to carry out proper background checks on the mental state of your would-be partner.

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